Conference on Rural India: The Need for Resilience

Conference Themes
Rural Life and Livelihoods in the time of Pandemic: Effects and Responses
This theme aims to understand the effect of the Covid-19 on lives and livelihoods of rural
households in India. The focus will be on immediate effect of Covid-19 induced lockdown
and overlapping effects on the various sections of the rural population and the multiple
coping and adaptive responses.
Collectives for Development
This sub-theme focuses on the institutional and organizational aspects of various forms of women collectives along with their functional role and impact in the community..
Collectives for farm produce marketing
This sub-theme focuses on the role and viability of farmer collectives in providing
market linkages to farm produce and other farm services.
MGNREGA: Demand, Provision and Outcomes
MGNREGA emerged as the important safety net for rural India during the Covid-19 pandemic. Under this theme, we seek papers on MGNREGA, based on primary as well as secondary sources, which put more light on the role of MGNREGA, during pandemic and otherwise.
Conference Dates:
18th – 20th January, 2021
Call for Abstracts
VikasAnvesh Foundation (VAF) is a unique research center focusing on key development issues faced by various communities and grass roots workers which are often overlooked by mainstream academic and research institutions. VAF is organizing its third annual conference “Rural India: The Need for Resilience” from 18th – 20th January 2021. The conference will be held through virtual means due to continuing uncertainties amid COVID pandemic..
Email your Abstract to [email protected] by 20th December Abstract can have upto 1200 words with a brief background, problem statement, research methods, sample, results and discussion.
Notification of Acceptance 28th December
Visit for more details.