Studies in Development Processes

This is a series of publication brought out by our team based on intensive and field based research work carried out by VAF staff and associates in the respective fields. Formal research papers on the themes covered would have been written on these researches and be published or presented elsewhere. These documents are meant to primarily disseminate the findings with a view to create interest and awareness about the issue on which they are focus, act as bases of discussions and eventually lead to action. An attempt is made to emphasize the readability rather than scholastic exactitude. These documents can be used freely for academic purpose or for the purpose of advocating action inherent to the issue. VAF will appreciate being acknowledged when they are so used.
Sustainable Agriculture in India: Why does it not Scale Up?
Despite decades of work by various non-governmental organizations, most of the initiatives on agro-ecological farming and organic farming practices have...
Why are Muslim Youth Under-Represented in Higher Education?
Although Muslims account for close to 15% of the total population of the country, the data from recent reports of...
Why Do Governments Fail to Meet Welfare Needs of the Scattered and the Disenfranchised People?
We define those people who are scattered geographically and those who suffer from some physical, social or cultural infirmity as...
Burden of Domestic Responsibilities and its Impact on Women’s Health
In rural India, most of the domestic responsibilities are taken care by women. There is some literature looking at this...
Jan जन Yes, Dhan धन a long way to go Jan-Dhan जन धन and financial inclusion in south Rajasthan Exploring ground reality
On August 15, 2014, the prime minister announced a new initiative called Jan-Dhan Yojana to bring about comprehensive financial inclusion...
Small Pumps Big Hopes: An exploratory study to understand the role of small irrigation pumps in enhancing incomes of small and marginal farmers in Eastern States of India
Studies in Development Processes Issue#5 Author : Bikalp Chamola
Addressing Symptoms and Perpetuating Vulnerability: The PVTGs Of Madhya Pradesh
Studies in Development Processes Issue#3 Authors : Sanjiv Phansalkar, Manu Sinha, Nachiket Sule, Neha Gupta, Pragya Bajpai, Soumik Banerji, And Soumi...
Enriching Dietary Diversity through self-provisioning: Potential, Issues and Practices
Studies in Development Processes Issue#4 Authors : Sanjiv J Phansalkar and Soumi Kundu
How the other Half Bathe ! Conditions, Behaviour, and Consequences of Bathing Practices of Rural Women in India
Studies in Development Processes Issue #2 Authors : Minaz Ranjita Singh, Meghna Mukherjee
Development Profile – In Flood Prone Areas
Studies in Development Processes Issue #1 Authors: Sanjiv J Phansalkar, Nirmalya Choudhury, Tauqueer Ali Sabri, Vivek Kher and Mayuri Hazarika