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VikasAnvesh Foundation
An Initiative of Tata Trusts

VAF is holding its First Conference in Pune from 28th – 30th August. The conference aims to present research work done by VAF and its partners and serve as a platform for initiating discussion on these topics in the larger fraternity. The themes of the conference are

Current status and barriers to digital inclusion

Simplification, transparency, avoidance of unnecessary meddling bureaucracy, the speed of response and very quick and huge reach are some of the key advantages of the IT-enabled services offered to society at large. Central Government has mandated Digital Inclusion platform to promote the above. This session would present the current situation of Digital Inclusion in its complexity in different parts of the country.

Changing baskets of consumption in rural households

Consumption is considered as a primary indicator for the well-being of the households, and the household income and expenditure revolves around it. The focus of this theme is to explore the changes that are happening in the consumption basket of the rural households and their socio-economic impact. This session aims at a synthesis of findings from multi-location studies.

Gaps between opportunity sets available to rural youth vis-à-vis their urban counterparts

Post liberalisation, India witnessed an increase in the rural-urban inequality in terms of income, living conditions, access to various facilities, etc. This session aims to explore the gaps in opportunities related to education and livelihood among rural youth vis-à-vis their urban counterparts.

Social and economic impacts of water harvesting structures

Water harvesting structures (WHS) are often proposed as a miracle strategy to solve the problems of water scarcity. Central as well as the state governments have promoted their use by providing subsidies, by collaborating with local NGOs and by implementing them through MGNREGA. This session tries to assess the impact of various WHS built in different regions of the country.

Incentives and motivation for women taking leadership roles in collectives

Women’s collective organisations take many forms: SHG’s, “Mahila mandal”, co-operatives for undertaking or supporting an economic activity, Nari Sangh for advocating gender justice. While membership entails attendance in periodic meetings and participation in collective activities, leadership role entails much more significant investment of time and energy. This session aims at presenting research on incentives and motivations which drives individuals to take leadership in collectives.

Health impacts of headload carrying and other domestic chores of women

In rural India, women are seen carrying heavy loads and doing other domestic chores, primarily due to lack of basic amenities. There is little data available on the impact of these practices on their health. This session discusses these impacts.

Whither social enterprises?

In the recent decade, social enterprises (SEs) have emerged as new actors in development arena, globally. SEs are mission-focussed organisations run on enterprise principles thus aiming to promote both public and private good. The focus of this theme is to discuss the growth and management challenges of SEs engaged in the agricultural sector. The session would comprise of reflections of practitioners and presentation of case studies.

Mainstreaming the Margins: Understanding the issues of the marginalised in eastern states of India

Severe population pressure, small land holdings, perennial vulnerability to floods, abundant yet inadequately utilised water resources and potential for sizeable incremental production from unused resources are some key features of Eastern India. This session aims to present a synthesis of the research studies undertaken by VAF and others in building a comprehensive understanding of the eastern states of India.

Important Dates:

Last date for submission of extended abstract: 14th July, 2018
Communication of abstract acceptance: 21st July, 2018
Last date for submission of Full Paper: 11th August, 2018
Conference Dates: 28th – 30th August, 2018

Registration Details:

Registration fee: Rs 1500/- (This includes conference materials, lunch and tea)
VAF will not support any travel or accommodation costs.
The link for registration shall be available on from 1st July 2018.

Instructions for submission of abstracts:

  • The abstract should contain a short background, primary research questions, methodology with the sample design, and, results and discussion.
  • It should be well articulated, not exceeding 500 words. The  abstracts should be submitted via email to [email protected] . Kindly mention the theme under which you are submitting your paper in the mail
  • Preference will be given to evidence-based studies and articles.

  • Kindly submit the abstract in PDF format and mention your name and contact details at the bottom. Font- Times New Roman, 12, Line-spacing-1.5.
  • The time allocated for each paper for presentation/poster presentation would be communicated to authors individually upon acceptance of the abstract.
  • Instructions for submission of full papers will be communicated after acceptance of the abstracts.

Conference Venue:

Conference Venue:

BAIF Campus, Mumbai-Bangalore Highway, Warje, Dr. Manibhai Desai Nagar, Pune - 411058, Maharashtra

VAF Address:

VAF Address:

6th Floor, Galore Tech Park, LMD Chowk, Bavdhan, Pune- 411021, Maharashtra, India