VikasAnvesh Foundation

VikasAnvesh Foundation

Home Studies in Development Processes

Studies in Development Processes


This is a series of publication brought out by our team based on intensive and field based research work carried out by VAF staff and associates in the respective fields. Formal research papers on the themes covered would have been written on these researches and be published or presented elsewhere. These documents are meant to primarily disseminate the findings with a view to create interest and awareness about the issue on which they are focus, act as bases of discussions and eventually lead to action. An attempt is made to emphasize the readability rather than scholastic exactitude. These documents can be used freely for academic purpose or for the purpose of advocating action inherent to the issue. VAF will appreciate being acknowledged when they are so used.

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  • By: Nirmalya Choudhury
  • On: May 14, 2016

Development Profile – In Flood Prone Areas

Studies in Development Processes Issue #1 Authors: Sanjiv J Phansalkar, Nirmalya Choudhury, Tauqueer Ali Sabri, Vivek Kher and Mayuri Hazarika